Schlumbergera bridgesil

Can anyone remember when we were kids and at Easter we would go to the feed store and buy baby chicks...sometimes multi-colored......Oh my.....Well the plant of consideration this week is not a pastel blue baby chick and unfortunately we really only appreciate it's beauty at Christmas hence the name "Christmas Cactus".
This plant is a native of Brazil, it is an epiphytic cactus with flat jointed stems. Sometimes call the Orchid cactus because of their rare and distinctive beauty...the word epiphytic means they derive their support from a host plant and are just passengers and not parasites....kinda cool just along for the ride....
Taking care of business: Schlumbergia bridgesil needs an average minimum temperature at night of about 62 degrees F. Use a soil mixture of 3 parts peat moss to 1 part loam or sand. Keep the soil moist during spring and summer with high diffused or filtered light. Fertilize every 2 weeks during this period. For bud formation, plants require full sun with a drier cooler conditions, plus the shorter days of fall, (Christmas..... Yea!!) In the fall , reduce the watering and keep the plant cooler, with a minimum temperature of 55 degrees F at night. Increase watering when the flower buds appear and fertilize every 2 weeks with a balanced household fertilizer at 1/2 strength until the flowers open.
(Information...(in part) taken from Cal's Plant of the week From the University of Oklahoma.... Thank You Very Much)
Now it would not be Christmas with out a Reindeer Run, and what better time to do it than when it is freeeeezzzzing cold outside. So this past Saturday when it was just those conditions, my trusty companions and I went forth. The local Lifetime Fitness was hosting a Reindeer Run in association with "Toys for Tots" bring a toy, have some fun, freeze and sweat, sound likes Christmas to me. So we went out to have some fun and represent the company CGreen Landscape Irrigation (to the best of our ability)...enjoy the pictures.

My daughter Melissa and Dixie the best runner in the group........

Okay.....this would be me...still cold...But look a the smile on Dixie's face...she love to run and loves the cold weather
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